Oak Associates

Oak Associates Parent Rating


In a competitive industry, Oak Associates does n't differentiate itself enough, leading to an Average Parent Pillar rating.

A strength of Oak Associates is its experienced longest-tenured portfolio managers, who have accrued an average 20 years of tenure. This experience should give investors confidence in the group's ability to navigate a variety of conditions. Portfolio manager turnover at Oak Associates has been low over the past five years, building confidence that the firm is working to establish a stable and engaging culture. Oak Associates open-end and exchange-traded products are priced, on average, among the second most-expensive quintile of similarly distributed strategies. This higher expense profile of its funds creates a larger performance hurdle and contributes negatively to Oak Associates's rating.

Oak Associates Investments


US Open-end ex MM ex FoF ex Feeder

Total Net Assets

1.37 Bil

Investment Flows (TTM)

−105.66 Mil

Asset Growth Rate (TTM)


# of Share Classes

Morningstar Rating # of Share Classes
Not Rated 0

Quick Definitions: Key Morningstar Terms

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