View all of UBS’s ETFs and start searching for your next investment. Below are pre-screened investment lists to kickstart the process. All lists can be further sorted by data points such as Morningstar Ratings, Total Return Rankings, Expense Ratio and Morningstar Category.


1 to 25 of 26 Results

Morningstar Category
Morningstar Rating for Funds
Morningstar Sustainability Rating
Total Return
Total Return Rank in Category
Adjusted Expense Ratio
ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Div Fctr TR ETNSCDLTrading—Leveraged Equity22.02%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Gr Fctr TR ETNIWFLTrading—Leveraged Equity42.56%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Size Fctr TR ETNIWMLTrading—Leveraged Equity16.63%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Value Fctr TR ETNIWDLTrading—Leveraged Equity27.38%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Lgd IFED Iv with the Fd TR ETNFEDLTrading—Leveraged Equity30.82%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Lgd MSCI US ESG Fcs TR ETNESUSTrading—Leveraged Equity38.74%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Lvrgd MSCI US Mn Vl Fct TR ETNUSMLTrading—Leveraged Equity31.94%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Lvrgd MSCI US Mntm Fctr TR ETNMTULTrading—Leveraged Equity56.98%0.950%
ETRACS 2x Lvrgd MSCI US Qlty Fctr TR ETNQULLTrading—Leveraged Equity40.71%0.950%
ETRACS 2xMnthly Py Lvrgd US SmCpHiDivETNSMHBTrading—Leveraged Equity0.20%0.850%
ETRACS 2xMonthly Pay Lvrgd Pref Stk ETNPFFLTrading—Miscellaneous18.79%0.850%
ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy ETNAMNAEnergy Limited Partnership25.71%0.000%
ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy TR ETNAMTREnergy Limited Partnership25.72%0.750%
ETRACS Alerian Midstrm Engy Hi Div ETNAMNDEnergy Limited Partnership24.26%0.750%
ETRACS Bloomberg Cmdy Ttl RtnSM ETN BDJCBCommodities Broad Basket10.21%0.000%
ETRACS IFED Inv with the Fd TR ETNIFEDLarge Blend18.41%0.450%
ETRACS Mnthly Py 1.5X Lvgd Mtg REIT ETNMVRLTrading—Leveraged Equity7.43%0.000%
ETRACS Mny Py 2xLgd US Hg Dv Lw Vl ETN BHDLBTrading—Leveraged Equity35.29%0.000%
ETRACS Monthly Pay 1.5X Lvgd CE Fd ETNCEFDTrading—Miscellaneous20.33%0.000%
ETRACS Qrtly Py 1.5X Lvgd Aln MLP ETNMLPRTrading—Leveraged Equity23.63%0.000%
ETRACS Qrtly Py 1.5X Lvgd Wls Fg BDC ETNBDCXTrading—Leveraged Equity9.09%0.000%
ETRACS Whitney US Critical Techs ETNWUCTTechnology16.64%0.550%
UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP ETN Series BAMUBEnergy Limited Partnership17.43%0.800%
UBS ETRACS Alerian MLPInfrs ETN SerBMLPBEnergy Limited Partnership19.12%0.850%
UBS ETRACS BgCstMtCdy(CMCI)TtlRetETNSerBUCIBCommodities Broad Basket8.03%0.550%

UBS ETFs - Default List Criteria

This list shows only funds that are open to new purchases or limited and does not include funds that are closed to new investments.

Quick Definitions: Key Morningstar Terms

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