Rekenthaler Report

Not All Total Returns Are Created Equal

Return sequences can help performance as well as hinder it.

Berkshire Hathaway: A Mutual Fund in Disguise?

A fresh look at a much-analyzed company.

Can Economists Help Investors Avoid Recessions?

How often they accurately predict a recession, and how often they’re late to the party.

A Great Company That’s a Turtle, Not a Hare

Warren Buffett’s sweetest investment demonstrates how stocks need not be growth companies to create fortunes.

The ‘Three-Legged Stool’ of Retirement Is Missing a Leg

Personal annuities can only get the system so far.

3 Investment Fallacies I’ve Had to Unlearn

These “truths” haven’t stood the test of time.

When Rebalancing Creates Higher Returns—and When It Doesn’t

Rebalancing reliably reduces risk, but it doesn’t necessarily improve returns.

‘Boomer Candy’ Funds: Sweet Treats or Investment Toothache?

What to make of these lower-risk approaches to investing in equities.

Standard Deviation: In Defense of an Often-Dismissed Investing Metric

Debunking three arguments against this valuable risk-assessment tool.

US Stocks Beat Predictions Over the Past Decade. Can They Do It Again?

The math behind the market’s surprisingly strong performance.

Stock Investors Have Already Won the Election

No matter who is president, equities ride a favorable tide.

Are You Suited for an Immediate Annuity?

What retirees should know before buying.

Is the Stock Market Too Concentrated?

History says no.

Should You Buy and Hold an Artificial Intelligence Portfolio?

The lesson from internet stocks.

Never Mind Market Efficiency: Are the Markets Sensible?

Not always, but it’s difficult to profit from that knowledge.

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