Jessica Bebel

Jessica Bebel is an associate multimedia editor at Morningstar.

More From Jessica Bebel

The personal finance expert and author of The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money shares her three-pronged approach to financial success.

The author of ‘In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio’ shares his insights on the history of Modern Portfolio Theory and the pioneers that changed portfolio management.

Michael Mauboussin dives into expectations investing and how you can game the market.

John Rekenthaler, Christine Benz, and Jeff Ptak discuss striking conclusions from their recent Morningstar study on retirement withdrawal rates.

The Financial Time’s global finance correspondent, Robin Wigglesworth, examines indexing’s serendipitous beginnings and the innovators who transformed the financial industry.

Author of “The Better Letter” Bob Seawright breaks down how human behavior and decision-making influences how investors interact with their finances.

More About Jessica Bebel

Jessica Bebel is an associate multimedia editor on Morningstar's editorial team. She works on content for a variety of audiences, focusing on the individual investor.

Bebel holds a bachelor's degree in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience from the University of Michigan.

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