Tom Idzorek

Tom Idzorek, CFA, is president of Morningstar Investment Management.

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This paper extends the original framework, including the ability to incorporate expectations/assumptions around: 1) active management alpha; 2) a more diversified and appropriate detailed asset allocation; 3) some of the possible benefits associated with financial planning "gamma" or "advisor's alpha;" 4) the expected benefit of diversifying out of company stock; and 5) utility losses due to lack of complete information on the participant.

More About Tom Idzorek

Tom Idzorek, CFA, is president of Morningstar Investment Management. He is responsible for the firm’s global investment advice, consulting, retirement solutions, and index businesses. Idzorek also serves on Morningstar’s retirement plan committee. An expert on multi-asset class strategic asset allocation, the Black-Litterman model, target-date funds, retirement income solutions, fund-of-funds optimization, risk budgeting, and performance analysis, Idzorek has written numerous articles for academic and industry journals and collaborated on papers selected by the CFA Institute Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ) for Graham and Dodd Scroll Awards.

Idzorek assumed his current role in 2012. From 2010 to 2012, he was global chief investment officer for Morningstar Investment Management. Prior to that, he was director of research and product development for Ibbotson Associates, which Morningstar acquired in 2006. Idzorek began his career as a senior quantitative researcher for Zephyr Associates.

Idzorek holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Arizona State University, a master’s degree in business administration from Thunderbird School of Global Management, and the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.

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