Our FVE Went Up Along With Our Confidence in MongoDB as Its Relational Win Opportunity Grows

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After MongoDB’s MDB annual investor session, we are increasing our fair value estimate for MongoDB shares to $379 per share from $335 per share out of increased confidence in MongoDB’s ability to convert legacy relational customers to MongoDB’s document-based, nonrelational platform. We previously were more conservative on the opportunity here, as the road to such conversions are extremely complex. However, today MongoDB announced the general availability of their Relational Migrator, which simplifies the process of legacy relational database users moving over to MongoDB’s platform. In addition, we’ve been tracking impressive wins from Oracle—such as China Mobile (announced with the firm’s last earnings results), which moved a subset of workloads to MongoDB that ended up increasing performance to 80%.

While we have increased confidence in MongoDB converting legacy relational customers, the investor session largely highlighted new offerings in the wheelhouse of what we have consistently believed MongoDB does best: streamlining the developer experience in the nonrelational database universe. These newly announced tools include vector search (an integral part of generative AI) and stream processing (the ability to take action onto new data as it is funneling into a database in real time). We continue to believe nonrelational database needs will drive the majority of new growth in the database management software market. However, this does not undermine the massive conversion opportunity in the existing relational database market that we believe now can help further push MongoDB’s market share in the fast-growing data management software market from roughly 2% today to 3% by 2030.

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About the Author

Julie Bhusal Sharma

Equity Analyst
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Julie Bhusal Sharma is an equity analyst, AM Technology, for Morningstar*. She has covered enterprise software and IT services firms since 2019, ranging from Oracle and Workday to IBM and Accenture. When she’s not analyzing the fast-moving technology sector, she serves as co-chair of Morningstar Equity Research’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee, where she focuses on improving equity and inclusion throughout the department.

Before joining Morningstar in 2017, Bhusal Sharma freelanced for the Chicago Tribune, writing about tech and startups for their Blue Sky section. She also was acting associate editor for Columbus CEO, and her column for that magazine won the Alliance of Area Business Publishers’ national award for “Best Recurring Feature” in 2017.

Bhusal Sharma holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy with a minor in mathematics from Kenyon College, where she was a magna cum laude graduate. She also holds an MBA, with honors, from University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

* Morningstar Research Services LLC (“Morningstar”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc

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