Weekly Wrap: Stocks to Avoid, Bond Funds to Consider, and Taxes

And why it might be time to get back into growth stocks.

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Is It Time to Get Back Into Growth Stocks?

If you’re interested in reliving January--or want a better understanding of what things looked like after the dust settled--check out "7 Charts on the Market’s Wild January." It’s filled with useful perspective--and maybe a few surprises.

For instance, I knew that tech stocks got knocked around in January, suffering a 9% loss overall. What I didn’t realize was the enormous gap in performance between growth stocks and value stocks for the month: Value stocks outlegged their growth counterparts by 11 percentage points, the largest outperformance since February 2001.

Value's dominance probably made Morningstar's chief U.S. markets strategist Dave Sekera grin, at least a little bit: Going into 2022, Dave had pointed out that value stocks were one of the few undervalued pockets in the market. What does he think now, after value's dominant outperformance in January? "We continue to find the value category attractively priced. However, carnage across growth stocks pushed them down well into undervalued territory," he says. Dave highlights Microsoft MSFT, Alphabet GOOGL, and dozens of other bargain-priced ideas--growth-oriented and otherwise--in "Pullback an Opportunity to Pick Up Undervalued Stocks."

Stocks to Avoid

Despite the rough-and-tumble start to 2022, many stocks still look overpriced to Morningstar's analysts, based on their fair value estimates. In my Our Picks column this week, I took a look at four stocks trading well above what we think they're worth. My colleague Dave Sekera examined overvalued mega-cap stocks, too--Tesla TSLA and Apple AAPL are just two of the 12 familiar names on Dave's list.

Bond Funds to Consider

Bonds didn't have anything brag about in January. Every major bond-fund Morningstar Category (except bank loans) posted losses last month, and funds that held bonds sensitive to interest-rate changes fared the worst. "Lately, there's been virtually no place for bond investors to hide," observed my colleague Katherine Lynch in her comprehensive recap, "Bond Funds Start 2022 in a Sea of Red."

I asked Christine Benz, Morningstar's director of personal finance and retirement planning, how investors should be thinking about bonds these days. Her reply: "Because of their low-starting yields, bond funds are unlikely to have great returns over the next decade, and they may experience some short-term losses as interest rates move up. But high-quality bond funds are still likely to hold their ground pretty well in a big equity market shock. That means that holding assets in cash and bonds is essential for anyone who's getting close to drawing upon their portfolios for living expenses, such as retirees."

Those looking to add some bonds to their portfolios can find some new ideas in "The Best Active ETFs for 2022 and Beyond," which analyst Mike Mulach published earlier this week. You can find more of our highest-rated fixed-income choices in "The Best Taxable-Bond Funds."

It’s Tax Season!

I’m not actually as excited about tax season as the exclamation point above might suggest. But Christine Benz says that, yes, doing tax work should be on our February financial to-do lists. Pulling together all of our paperwork--virtual or otherwise--is only one part of the process, says Christine. While you’re at it, use your tax documents to gauge your financial health, too: “So, for example, if you've gotten your W-2 recently, and you also were lucky enough to get a raise last year, look at whether you are funding your 401(k) to the maximum extent that you can swing. Look at your health savings account contributions. If you're able to make an HSA and you're covered by a qualifying high-deductible healthcare plan, are you taking advantage of those HSA contributions to the extent that you possibly can?”

Read on to find out what you can learn from your 1099 form, and watch Christine’s February financial to-dos video.

Stock of the Week: Alphabet

Alphabet blew the roof off with its fourth-quarter results, thanks to growth in search advertising and Google cloud, as well as further YouTube monetization. And strong revenue created operating leverage that widened margins more than expected, explained Morningstar analyst Ali Mogharabi. "While we expect slower revenue growth this year, we project double-digit growth in YouTube and cloud to continue," Ali noted in his analyst update on the stock. We boosted our fair value estimate to $3,600, and shares look undervalued as of this writing.

Alphabet also announced that it plans to do a 20-for-1 stock split in July. My colleague Ruth Saldanha wrote a terrific piece this week about what stock splits are and how the Alphabet stock split will work. As Ruth says, it's just math!

--Susan Dziubinski

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