3 Tax-Free Funds That Are Gems

Earn a nice tax-free yield with these winners.

3 Tax-Free Funds That Are Gems
Securities In This Article
Fidelity Tax-Free Bond
T. Rowe Price Tax-Free Shrt-Interm
Vanguard Interm-Term Tx-Ex Inv

Russel Kinnel: Municipal bonds produce tax-free income and generally are pretty stable. Muni-bond funds are well diversified, so the rare default isn’t likely to harm those well-run muni funds. However, a lot of muni issuance is long maturity, so there is significant interest-rate risk. Check a fund’s 2022 losses, and you’ll get a practical idea of the real downside of these funds. Today, I’ve picked three muni funds with different levels of interest-rate risk to give you some idea. We’ll go from lowest to highest.

3 Tax-Free Funds That Are Gems

  1. T. Rowe Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate PRFSX
  2. Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt VWITX
  3. Fidelity Tax-Free Bond FTABX

T. Rowe Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate has only modest levels of interest-rate risk. Charlie Hill builds a well-diversified portfolio to produce a decent yield. T. Rowe has built a strong team on the muni side, and this fund slots in nicely at the lower-risk end of the spectrum.

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt is just the sort of straightforward bond fund you’d expect from Vanguard. It’s super cheap, well run, and avoids doing anything risky just to pump up yield. The Silver-rated fund owns a diffuse, high-quality portfolio that performs consistently well.

Gold-rated Fidelity Tax-Free Bond is one of the best funds in the muni long category. It absolutely has interest-rate risk, but its trio of managers are very good at selecting good issues for a solid risk/reward profile. Fidelity’s MO is really to avoid making big macro bets and instead focus on issue selection. It’s an approach that has worked well, and I own this fund.

Watch 3 Incredibly Dull Funds That You Should Buy for more from Russel Kinnel.

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About the Author

Russel Kinnel

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Russel Kinnel is director of ratings, manager research, for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He heads the North American Medalist Rating Committee, which vets the Morningstar Medalist Rating™ for funds. He is the editor of Morningstar FundInvestor, a monthly newsletter, and has published a number of prominent studies of the fund industry covering subjects such as manager investment, expenses, and investor returns.

Since joining Morningstar in 1994, Kinnel has analyzed virtually every type of fund and has covered the most prominent fund families, including Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, and Vanguard. He has led studies on the predictive power of fund data and helped develop the Morningstar Rating for funds and the Morningstar Style Box methodology. He was co-author of the company's first book, Morningstar Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-Star Strategies for Success (Wiley, 2003), and was author of the book Fund Spy: Morningstar's Inside Secrets to Selecting Mutual Funds That Outperform, published in 2009.

Kinnel holds a bachelor's degree in economics and journalism from the University of Wisconsin.

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